A Lasting Change

Another year is here. People are making New Year’s Resolutions again…how many times does the same person make the same resolutions every year only to break them before January is over. For some, it is a cycle played out over and over again. Promises made to self that usually end up broken. I wonder what the success rate is of New Year resolutions. Surely there are some resolutions that are kept. There are those who keep their resolve to lose weight or run a marathon. That is just the thing with us humans. We are capable of both success and of failure. We can make an incredibly wise decision in life at one time while another day we can let our human emotions of the moment sway us to make a foolish choice that we will afterwards regret.

That is why as the New Year starts I am so thankful to be serving a God whose success rate is 100%. A divine God that NEVER makes a mistake. He has never made a promise that he has not kept. In Matthew 28:20 Jesus tells us that he is with us always, even unto the end of the world. Friend, you do not have to carry your burdens alone. What is it that you resolve this year? No doubt, there are some that resolve to try to quit smoking, drinking, or doing drugs. Perhaps you have resolved to be honest this year or to be more kind and loving to others. If you attempt to make some of these changes on your own, I will just be honest, you have a high chance of failing. You may do well for some time, but addiction and the power of sin have a way of working our determination down and causing us to yield to its force. I do not tell you this to discourage you from trying but rather I want to share with you the hope we have in Christ. There is a solution to your problems. You can be free and stay free. Many religions will tell you to do the best you can, that we all fail. They say that we can not be perfect and sinless until we reach heaven. The word of God tells us to be perfect even as our Father which is in heaven is perfect. (Matthew 5:48) If it was not possible, then God would not say it. I am blessed to have felt God’s saving power in my own life. To have been set free and given the power to live without sin. I am doubly blessed to have witnessed this same saving and freeing power in many others lives. I have seen the sinner transformed and the addicted delivered. If you are interested in forsaking sin and living a life of power through salvation through Christ, then we invite you to the Church of God at Connequenessing where God is still changing lives.

-Christie L Karns